Middle Wye Trip Report

Middle Wye Trip Report

Trip, Trip Reports
On the last weekend in February, braving the low temperatures, three members and an ex-member of Nomads set off to mid Wales to run the middle section of the Wye from Builth Wells down to Glasbury, including the infamous 'Hell Hole' rapid at Erwood. Arriving late friday afternoon we went straight to the Hell Hole to inspect river conditions, before checking into the luxury River Cafe B&B at Glasbury, which was also our get out. The river level was just about perfect  (an inch over the bases of the bridge piers at Glasbury) high enough to make the Hell Hole a grade 3 rapid and cover the slabs the whole width of the river, but not spate levels, which make a dangerous river wide stopper. Satisfied with the prospects for…
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Alps Trip 2015

Alps Trip 2015

Hi All As you probably know the club have reserved a French Alps trip with Fluid Skills from 11th July - 18th July 2015. In order to ensure that we do not loose our places we need to put down a 10% deposit (£65 each). So far preference will be given to the following who have put their names down already. I will be sending out account details and booking forms over the weekend; if anyone else wants to join us, please speak to me at the club or drop me an email. Thanks Arthur trips@nomadkayakclub.co.uk
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Upcoming Events and Courses

Upcoming Events and Courses

Courses, Trip
Hi All The second half of the year promises to be quite busy with a number of trips and courses in the pipeline. The following are some of the "bigger" items in the calendar, but are by no means the only activities going on. We have many active members paddling throughout the year, so if anyone wants to get more involved or if you do not see a trip that is suitable, please just ask at the club. Trip specific details i.e. travel arrangements, accommodation etc. will generally be sent out 7-10 days before the event. All events will be in the events section of the Recreational Facebook page. 9/10 August 2014 - Dee / Tryweryn Trip Trip to the Dee (Saturday) and the Tryweryn (Sunday) with Nick. The trip…
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River Ivel Trip 08/03/14

River Ivel Trip 08/03/14

  Meet: Meet at the put in at 9.30am on Saturday. Finish: At the take out at about 3pm on Saturday. Level: The Ivel is a great river for both novice and more experienced paddlers alike. It is essentially a flat paddle on a slow moving river, but there are three or four weirs which can be challenging or easy dependent on river levels. All weirs can easily be run or, if necessary, portaged. You will need to be able to paddle for at least three hours at an easy pace; white water experience is NOT required. Equipment: Please remember that we are still into winter and you need to bring appropriate clothing, tracksuits and highly absorbent wind-breakers are NOT suitable attire. Ideally you should be wearing a wetsuit or cag with…
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Recreational Kayaking Update

News, Recreational, Trip
Forthcoming Trips We have two trips coming up in partnership with the Spelthorne Kayak & Canoe Club: Saturday, 8 March 2014 - Ivel Trip, meet at 09:30 at the put in This is open to all who can paddle 3-4 hours and would like an introduction to shooting small weirs or practice some moving water skills in a faster flowing environment. Details will be sent out by this weekend, however, please remember the following: Dress appropriately, it can get cold on the water after several hours Helmets are required Bring lunch, warm drinks and snacks Boats and equipment must be arranged through the equipment officer or at the Sunday club session Friday, 25 - 27 April 2014 - Symonds Yat Trip Open to all 2 star and above, we will…
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Symonds Yat Trip Aug 2013

Symonds Yat Trip Aug 2013

Symonds Yat Trip (Bank Holiday Weekend) We will be holding a rather special trip over the bank holiday weekend; aside from the usual white water paddling and camping we will be bidding a fond(?) farewell to James “Jam” Fletcher (aka the “Dinosaur Man”, “Cool James”, “Flipper”, “Dorkosaurus Rex”, “Sir”, “Mr Fletcher” and a few other names which cannot be mentioned in a public forum) who departs for Oz next month. Apart from obviously being the coolest paddler in the club, James has spent many hours assisting within the club, providing  (albeit sometimes unreliable) transport to just about everyone, acting as local tour guide (particularly in the Symonds Yat area) and generally being the “font of knowledge about all things”. Date: Saturday 24th to Sunday 25th August 2013 Meet: 10am on…
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Surf Trip to Croyde Bay

Surf Trip to Croyde Bay

Yes, it’s time once again for the ever-popular Nomad weekend trip to Croyde Bay. This year it will be taking place on the 4th – 6th May. This weekend is suitable for all club members and their families and comprises of canoe surfing / body boarding 2 hours before high tide. With a bit of luck we will be able to get two good sessions on depending on the moon. Nick and other experienced club members will be happy to coach on the water during this time if required. There is plenty to do in and around the area when we are not on the water. The weekend is a social weekend with lots of current and old members from the club getting together (sometimes over 50 family and friends…
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Escape to Adventure

Hi all from Andy at http://www.escapetoadventure.com/ Places left and going fast on ETAs Spring/Summer trips There is a 50 pounds discount on any Alpine trip for those who have been on ETAs previous courses. 23rd-24th March 2013   Four Star Leader Training white water kayak Based in N/Wales cost 125 pounds.  1st-2nd June 2013  Four star Assessment white water kayak based in N/Wales cost 135 pounds.  5th-11th May Scotland White water Classics and Creek week. Six days of Scotland's finest creek and classic runs cost 350 which includes excellent self catering accommodation and all guiding and coaching. There is also a free lift avaiable as from friday the 3rd of May with me from the midlands and back. 4 Places Left Alpine Trips 30th March - 7th April  Corsica White Water Adventures. A fantastic trip to this beautiful island for some…
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River Dart Trip

River Dart Trip

The weather has broken, the sun is shining and Nick has planned the year's first paddling trip for the weekend of the 16th and 17th of February. We will be paddling the Dart Loop on Saturday 16th starting at New Bridge (http://goo.gl/maps/g5Nwk) at around about 9:30am. This is a hugely popular classic grade 2/3 often used to introduce beginners to whitewater and the trip is open to anybody who is at a standard that can paddle the Legacy course. As well as being a great place to practice your whitewater skills with the benefit of some coaching from Nick this is an excellent social event on the Nomad's calendar. Paddling plans for Sunday will depend on the group paddling ability and on river levels. Nick is staying at the Abbey…
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River Ivel Trip 14th October

River Ivel Trip 14th October

We’re running a trip to the River Ivel in Bedfordshire on Sunday 14th October.  This gentle river trip is suitable for members who can paddle for about 3 hours and are happy to shoot small rapids.  As our last day trip before the water starts getting cold, we hope as many members as possible will be able to join us. BOAT COLLECTION: Either Sunday 7th or Wednesday 10th October at the club session and don’t forget to take a helmet, buoyancy aid and spray deck if you need them MEET:  10am at the put in (52.119921, -0.283445) - see map to River Ivel put-in. TAKE OUT:  Layby on the A1 just before the gates for Tempsford Village Hall SG19 2AW - see map to River Ivel take-out. FINISH:  About 3pm Please bring lunch, drinks, and some spare layers in a…
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