We are now accepting new members for 2024/2025
If you’re an experienced and qualified paddler wanting to become a full member of Nomad Kayak Club we suggest you pop down to see us and our facilities and what we can offer. One of our Committee members will be happy to tell you about the Club and check you’ll be able to join directly.
If you’re a novice paddler, please book yourself a place on our fun, 3 hour Nomad Paddle Start Course, which costs £45 and gives you the practical introduction to paddlesport and the basic skills you’ll need to join our club and start enjoying our recreational paddling sessions.
2024/2025 inclusive annual membership rates
Under 18s – £75
Full-time students under 22 – £85
Full-time students under 22 (living away from home) – £40
Adults – £99
Family – £169
First year membership cost is reduced pro-rata, depending on how long after the beginning of the year you apply to join. Our membership year runs from April to March.
These all inclusive rates include participation in all club activities at Rickmansworth Aquadrome and use of club equipment during sessions on home waters, so an adult can paddle with us every week for a year for only £99.
You can join Nomads for the first time or renew your membership online below or offline by requesting a membership form and returning it to our membership officer.
Join or renew membership online
Fill out your details and pay online by using our secure form. Click here to sign up online.
Join or renew membership offline
Email the membership officer to request a printable membership form, complete it and return it by post.