On Friday 19th August, 5 Nomad paddlers (Conrad, Ian, Martin, Nick and Nigel) set off for Wales to paddle the Tryweryn over the next couple of days. For those who left early on the Friday there was the opportunity for a quick warm up at Mill End Falls on the river Dee which also also gave Nigel a chance to try his new kayak. In the evening we all met up to eat and plan Saturday’s paddle on the Tryweryn.
The Tryweryn is split into 2 sections, the Upper River and the Lower River. The Upper River is roughly 2km of grade 3 rapids and runs alongside the National White Water Centre. The Lower section begins below the centre alongside Tyn Cornel campsite and continues with grade 2-3 rapids for 6km down to Bala car park with one grade 4 rapid near the end of this section.
After a hearty breakfast at the White Lion Hotel in Bala we met in the top car park at the Tryweryn white water centre. After a short briefing and warm up we launched sliding down the bank into the upper Tryweryn.
Practicing break ins and break outs we proceeded down to the Graveyard! There were a few nervous moments but all negotiated the descent successfully and was enjoyed by all so much we carried our boats back to the top and shot the rapids a second time.
Having successfully negotiated the Graveyard we proceeded to the Ski Jump and under advice from Nick we all shot the rapid river right. Our trip photographer (Conrad) providing photographs taken on the Sunday.
We continued down the river playing in the eddies and honing our skills to the Café wave where Martin in his play boat was in his element.
It was then time for Lunch to replenish our energy level before proceeding down to Bala and tackling Bala Mill Falls which is classified as Grade 4 shortly before our take out in the car park at the top of Bala. A thoroughly good paddle enjoyed by all rounded off with a Curry in the evening.
The plan for Sunday was to paddle the Upper Tryweryn a couple of times making use of the Tryweryn National White Water shuttle to take the kayaks back to the top. Unfortunately we had a swimmer and after a rather bumpy swim down the Graveyard. Conrad decided to become the official trip photographer and produced and excellent video of our second day exploits.
epic stuff guys.