Many thanks to Pierre and Sue Leon for all the efforts they have put in to this epic adventure paddling the whole (137 Miles) of the non-Tidal river Thames. From the Videos (below} to the research and way points maps etc, as well as their company.
I (Dave Hillier) feel blessed to have led such a nice group of people on this journey, Many many hours of paddling in each others company are moments I will never forget, and almost everyday was not raining. :-))
Not forgetting those who have paddled some sections and kept us company, in no particular order. Andy S, Hannah S, Jai A, Ian W, Phil G, Conrad C, Nigel A, John M, Chris H, Dean, (space for anyone I may have missed :-))
Also a MASSIVE thank you to our shuttle driver, Graham O. you have served us proud, and we are “all” forever grateful, Thankyou.
Below are some of our moments.
A good achievement for all involved but the real credit goes to the leader who started it and lead the project from the front throughout. Well done Dave Hillier.
Shame I missed some due to travelling. Will have to see if I can fill in the gaps sometime.
Chris H