Nomad Newsletter 14/05/16

Hello Nomads!
Lots of things going on in the coming weeks – very exciting. As always, feedback is most welcome 🙂


Tomorrow’s Trip
The next Nomad trip is tomorrow – Sunday 15th May – Thames and
St Patrick’s stream, Wargrave.

Matt will lead a round trip of 4-5 miles taking about 3 hours (plus lunch stop) on the Thames and St. Patrick’s stream, a lovely backwater with a good flow. Suitable for 2*+ level paddlers comfortable with some upstream paddling. Contact Matt at if you want to go.

We will be meeting at 10am at the little park by the river on the right of the A321 from Henley (RG10 8HZ) after Val Wyatt Marine and before the first house just as you enter Wargrave. Bring a packed lunch.

Recreational paddling
For those not going on the Thames trip this Sunday, there will be a recreational session running at 10am at the Aquadrome.

Rickmansworth Festival
Thanks to those who have already volunteered to help at the Festival next weekend. For those yet to volunteer, if you are able to spare some time and help on either Saturday or Sunday, let us know by emailing our Festival coordinators Mike, Chris & Kerry at

Parking – The club will have a limited number of parking permits for the Aquadrome car park for the festival weekend. If you need a permit, when emailing please provide your vehicle registration number.

Session Signups
A new feature has been added to the website that will allow members to sign up for paddling sessions.

This was an idea suggested at the club AGM a few weeks ago and allows other paddlers to see who is already going to a session.

The more people who use this feature the more useful it will become! Please visit and take a look.

Future Trips
We are thinking about running a local trip on the third Sunday of June due to the lack of interest in the Symonds Yat trip. We’ll confirm and send out more details in next week’s newsletter.

Anthony is hoping to run a trip to the Tryweryn in July or August for 3*+ standard paddlers. If you are interested please get in touch.

As always, full information on trips can be found on the website: