River Thames Kayak Camping Trip
22-23rd April 2023 Paddlers Dave H, (Organiser, Leader, Weather Expert and Report writer). Graham S, (Leader and Bat Expert). Conrad C. (Historian and Harmonica Expert). Jai A. (Comedian, Bug out/in and anti moan Expert). Hannah S. (Nutrition, Breakfast, Snacks, Brunch, Snacks, Lunch, Dinner, More Snacks, Evening meal, Supper and more Snacks Expert). On 22nd April 2023 five Nomads with fully loaded kayaks set out on journey down the River Thames that involved an overnight camp. About 10 miles in total as the crow flies split into 2 x 5 mile sections. We wanted to pay respects at Sandford Lasher and explore Sutton Pools along the way. We initially met up at the McDonalds for a chat, breakfast and coffee. After the usual safety briefing, warm up and discussions we were ready to…