On saturday 23rd of June nearly a dozen Nomads helped out with preparations to move to our new site next to BLYM. Ably coordinated by Chilly much work was done between 9.30 and 5pm including raising, partly realigning and restraining the ‘bund’ or earth bank around the site in preparation for the new secure boundary fence. Other work included clearing undergrowth, leveling the site and preparing for siting the boat storage containers.
It was a hot day but despite this a lot of hard manual work was done and cakes and refreshments from Chilly reinvigorated us at lunchtime, just when we needed it.
A big thank you to everyone who gave their time and took part. The move to our new site with security of tenure is very important and marks a new chapter with new opportunities for the club. We are not finished yet and there will be more requests for help in the coming months before and during the move, so keep your eyes open and please help if you can.
Matt, Trips Officer