On Sunday 15 Nomads led by Ian Walker traveled to Sandy in Bedfordshire to paddle the beautiful river Ivel. It was a cold but sunny morning as we started off through bright green fields and split up above the first weir with some more experienced paddlers following a side cut to run a chute and the rest following the main channel over the first weir.
Regrouping in the pool below the chute everyone had a chance to enjoy the faster moving water and practice their ferry glides with Anthony showing how it should be done.
After a little play we moved on through pretty countryside against a growing headwind with only those who’d paddled the river before knowing what was in store. Little did the first timers on this trip know what awaited them on the tall weir – and to keep up the excitement, after a safety inspection by Matt, most people ran it sight unseen with a surprise awaiting them as the water (and their boat) disappeared from under them. Everyone acquitted themselves very well with no one capsizing on first impact and only two on the bounce.
With everyone back in boats we continued following a pair of kingfishers down the river to the third weir and a very welcome lunch stop with some gently warming sunshine.
With much hot tea and tomato soup consumed, we continued suitably refreshed to the last two weirs for a final play with Steve and Ben showing off their great form in the stopper.
A big thank you to Ian for leading and organising this trip, to everyone for coming along and to Ian and Renata for the photos.
Matt, Trips Officer